Monday, February 6, 2017

More PicMonkey

Still fooling with PicMonkey.  And you can add titles to the collage!  I also see a possibility for creating cards.  Pretty cool options.  Watch the video if you try it out, it helps!

Here Are All 30 and Done!

I am happy happy to display this finished body of work!  Thirty paintings posted in 30 days; a great thing to do during this extra wintry January.  There will be another round of 30 in 30 in September and again next January, so will be looking at doing this again.

I am trying out a program called PicMonkey and created this collage to display the 30 paintings that I posted during January.  The program has a free one week trial so it was tempting to give a whirl.  I have been on vacation so did not get to post my finished collage to the 30 in 30 site, but oh well.  This challenge was all about meeting my goals and I did.  I posted all 30 days and that feels good!  And by the way, had a great time on vacation!  

Art & Soul Entry!

  Art & Soul Entry 2024 Garden Friends June 7 - June 29th. Be sure to stop by the Wabi Sabi Gallery in Twin Falls  to see my Art & ...